Article 21 - Joint Arrangements


1               Introduction


1.1           In order to promote the economic, social or environmental well being of its area, the Council under the provisions of Section 2 of the Local Government Act 2000, can:


a)       enter into arrangements or agreements with any person or body;

b)       co-operate with, or facilitate or co-ordinate the activities of, any person or body; and

c)       exercise on behalf of that person or body any functions of that person or body


2               Forms and Exercise of Joint Arrangements


2.1           The Council may establish joint arrangements with one or more local authorities and/or their Executives to exercise functions, which are not Executive functions in any of the participating authorities, or advise the Council. Such arrangements may involve the appointment of a joint committee with these other local authorities and a Councillor may be appointed to such a joint Committee, except that a Member of the Executive may not be a Member of any joint Committee established to carry out the Council’s scrutiny functions.


2.2           The Executive may establish joint arrangements with one or more local authorities to exercise functions which are Executive functions. Such arrangements may involve the appointment of joint Committees with these other local authorities.


2.3           The Council may delegate non-Executive functions to another local authority or, in certain circumstances, the Executive of another local authority.


2.4           The Executive may delegate Executive functions to another local authority or the Executive of another local authority in certain circumstances.

2.5           The decision whether or not to accept such a delegation from another local authority shall be reserved to the meeting of Full Council.


3               Access to Information


3.1           The Access to Information rules in Appendix 7 of the Local Government Act 1972 will apply to joint Committees established under this Article.